Lisa Andrews, MEd, RD, LD
If you’re wearing a “Praise Cheeses” tee-shirt or drinking from a “Bready or not, here I crumb” coffee mug, then you know all about Lisa and her Lettuce Beet Hunger shop on her Sound Bites Nutrition website. When my intern, Noel McKnight from CSULB wanted to know more about starting up a business as a registered dietitian, Lisa is the one to talk with! Enjoy learning more about Lisa with this informative interview.
Noel McKnight: Being freshly credentialed, it can feel like you don't know enough to be telling anyone anything yet. Do you have any words of wisdom on imposter syndrome?
Lisa Andrews: It’s OK to tell people that you’re new and will look things up for them. It’s much better to admit that a topic or subject is not your forte than to bluff and blunder through something. Be true to yourself and your patients. Let them know you’ll research diagnosis or treatment that you aren’t clear on. Even as a seasoned practitioner, I refer patients to others if I’m not comfortable with the condition a patient has OR the work being asked of me.
NM: You have been on quite a few newscasts doing recipes and cooking demos. How did you get involved in media and what advice can you share with a "green" RDN wanting to get exposure?
LA: I got involved with the media through my web presence. There were very few RDs in Cincinnati that were in private practice and I differentiated my web site by writing regularly. The first brand that reached out to me was KIND snacks. I kept the news contacts after my first appearance and continued to reach out to them. If you are active on social media and are tech savvy, you can reach out to brands to see if they’d like to work with you. Newer, smaller brands may be willing to work with new RDs.
NM: You have many different aspects to your brand and your business; how do you balance it all?
LA: Great question! Some weeks are very busy when others are slower. I have scaled back my 1:1 counseling to have more ‘thyme’ for freelance writing, planning cooking demos and marketing my food pun swag. It seems that when one thing gets cancelled, it doesn’t take long before the time is filled again. I don’t panic so much when I have down time. I take advantage of it and try to relax.
NM: What would you say to a young new RD thinking about starting to make a name for themselves (i.e...starting their own business) like you have done?
LA: Before you hang a shingle out for a small business, get a few years of experience under your belt to build your confidence and network. If you’re interested in nutrition counseling, stay in touch with doctors, RNs or other healthcare providers that could be a referral source. Also be sure to network with various RDs. Much of my work has come through knowing or networking with other dietitians. Whatever you do- get some experience to boost your self-esteem and credibility.
If you want to write, start with a blog with topics that you’re interested and comfortable writing. Write relevant material on social media and be consistent, too. You’ll grow a following if you’re true to yourself and your followers. Your tribe will find you!
NM: Where do you come up with those great sayings on your items in your Lettuce Beet Hunger Shop?
LA: I have always played with words and love to write. Puns just pop in my head. I had to stop printing every design I had because it became overwhelming (and expensive). Most of my items are print on demand, although I have a few designs in some gift shops in Cincinnati.
Even with my business name- I saw the word “Sound” on a sign and came up with my Sound Bites right after. If I had my career to do over, I’d work for a marketing company writing product descriptions. This is my dream job!
NM: What are the six foods we could always find in your pantry?
LA: My pantry always has the following: canned black beans, canned tomatoes, rolled oats, rice, quinoa or risotto and some form of chocolate. 😊
Lisa Andrews is the owner of Sound Bites Nutrition in Cincinnati where she shares her nutrition knowledge through counseling, cooking demos, teaching, and freelance writing. She is the author of the Healing Gout Cookbook and upcoming Complete Thyroid Cookbook. Lisa will serve as a house delegate for the Ohio Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and has been president, chair on professional issues, media chair and co-chair of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee in Ohio. Lisa’s line of food pun swag, Lettuce beet hunger supports those suffering food insecurity in Cincinnati. Learn more about her:
T: @nutrigirl
IG: @nutrigirl66
Noel Mcknight is a dietetic intern at Cal State San Bernardino